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- From the shoreline to the deep sea - The beauty and fragility of an underwater world World Oceans Day – 8 June 2019 - Espace Miramar, Cannes
From the shoreline to the deep sea - The beauty and fragility of an underwater world World Oceans Day – 8 June 2019 - Espace Miramar, Cannes
The RAMOGE Agreement,* working with its partner, the Centre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement Iles de Lérins et Pays d’Azur (CPIE, Lérin Islands and Riviera Permanent Environmental Initiatives Centre), and the City of Cannes, will be holding an awareness day in Cannes on 8 June to mark World Oceans Day. Titled “From the shoreline to the deep sea”, the event will provide an opportunity to raise public awareness about the beauty and fragility of the underwater world. Active participants in the initiative include the associations NaturDive, Mediterranée 2000, and the Lérin Islands Scientific Council, as well as the Ecogestes Mediterranée and Inf’eau Mer campaigns.
The day will feature lectures, round tables, stands, an exhibition and a film screening, allowing visitors to dive progressively deeper into the underwater world.
Starting at 10 am in the morning, Espace Miramar will host a variety of round tables designed to improve understanding of the shallow areas close to our coastline. The different stakeholders will present their activities, from participatory science to marine environment conservation campaigns, led by local associations and regional authorities.
At 2.30 pm, scientists from the Agence Française pour la Biodiversité (AFB, French Biodiversity Agency), the French Research Institute IFREMER, CPIE, Monaco Scientific Centre, the Principality’s Department of the Environment, the University of Genoa, the Instituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), and GIS Posidonie, who took part in the RAMOGE Agreement 2018 oceanography campaign to explore deep-sea areas of ecological interest, will present the various results obtained from their expedition. They will unveil the many discoveries made during this scientific adventure, relating to habitats and biodiversity as well as the threats facing these environments as a result of human activities. In addition, geologists who benefitted from new findings on these deep-sea areas will come along to tell the story of this unique geological environment.
At 6 pm, there will be a screening of the documentary Mediterranée (Mediterranean), directed by Jérôme Espla.
Bring your family, old and young alike, to discover this little-known but fascinating world!
Espace Miramar: 35 rue Pasteur - 06400 Cannes
For more information: (+377) 98 98 42 29 – contact@ramoge.org - www.ramoge.org
* International cooperation agreement to preserve the coastline and marine environment between France, Monaco and Italy for the zone between Marseille and La Spezia.
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