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Monaco participe à la 171ème session du Conseil de la FAO à Rome ©DR - Monaco participe à la 171ème session du Conseil de la FAO à Rome ©DR

Monaco takes part in 171st session of FAO Council

15 December 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The Principality of Monaco participated, as an observer, in the work of the 171st session of the Council of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), held in Rome from 5 to 9 December.At the session, a decision was adopted on the devastating consequences that the war in Ukraine is having on global...

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Partenariat UNESCO - De gauche à droite, Mme Noëline Raondry Rakotoarisoa, Direc0trice p.i., Division des sciences écologiques et de la terre, Secrétaire p.i., Programme sur l’Homme et la biosphère de l'UNESCO ; S.E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent de Monaco auprès de l'UNESCO et M. Vladimir Ryabinin, Secrétaire Générale de la Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale. © Amandine Callens MAB

Partnership signed with UNESCO to celebrate legacy of Prince Albert I

13 December 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 5 December, H.E. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Monaco’s Ambassador to UNESCO, and Noëline Raondry Rakotoarisoa, representing the Assistant Director-General for the UNESCO Science Sector, signed a partnership with the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme to offer financial support to young scientists and their research...

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29e Conseil Ministériel de l’OSCE - 29e Conseil Ministériel de l’OSCE © OSCE ID 533390

Monaco takes part in 29th meeting of OSCE Ministerial Council

12 December 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Isabelle Berro-Amadeï took part in the 29th meeting of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council, which was held in Łódź (Poland) on 1 and 2 December 2022.The Minister was accompanied by H.E. Lorenzo Ravano, Monaco’s Ambassador and...

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S.E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent de la Principauté de Monaco auprès de l'UNESCO - S.E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent de la Principauté de Monaco auprès de l'UNESCO ©DR

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: Monegasque delegation attends 17th session of Committee in Rabat

12 December 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The 17th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was held in Rabat (Morocco) from 28 November to 3 December, chaired by the Kingdom of Morocco.As the United Nations organisation responsible for culture, UNESCO ensures the safeguarding and transmission of in...

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Partenariat éducatif avec la Fondation Auschwitz-Birkenau - Partenariat éducatif avec la Fondation Auschwitz-Birkenau ©DR

Educational partnership signed with Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation

12 December 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

H.E. Lorenzo Ravano, Monaco’s Ambassador to Germany, and Wojciech Soczewica, Director General of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, signed an innovative educational partnership on 7 December 2022 in Berlin.The three-year agreement will enable nearly a hundred classes from European schools to take a virtual tour of t...

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