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News of theme "Diplomacy and International Presence"
11 July 2018 News flash

Diplomatic relations established between Principality of Monaco and Democratic Republic of the Congo

H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda, Monaco’s Ambassador to France, and H.E. Mr Christian Ileka Atoki, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to France

© DR

The Principality of Monaco and the Democratic Republic of the Congo signed a joint communiqué on 5 July 2018, establishing diplomatic relations between the countries. 

The document was signed by H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda, Monaco’s Ambassador to France, and
H.E. Mr Christian Ileka Atoki, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to France, having both been duly authorised to do so by their respective governments. 

The ceremony, involving diplomats from the two embassies, took place in the Monegasque Chancery in Paris. 

During the ceremony, the two Ambassadors discussed the work of the Association Mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance (AMADE) and their shared determination to pursue cooperation between their countries. They also welcomed the visits that H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover has made to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and her personal involvement as President of AMADE. 

Finally, the two nations’ shared commitment to protecting the environment and conserving biodiversity, which is particularly rich in this large African country, was also highlighted. 

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the 137th state to establish diplomatic relations with the Principality of Monaco.

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