Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Quality of Life"
20 June 2024 Press release

Particle pollution

©Direction de la Communication

As announced, a large cloud of dust from the Sahara is currently passing over the Principality and the PACA region. The information threshold of 50 µg/m3 for fine particles (PM10) was reached yesterday as a result.
Particles present in the air are accumulating and there is a high risk that the alert threshold (80 µg/m3) will be exceeded today 20 June 2024 due to the persistence of fine particle levels in the air. Air quality is therefore poor.

From Friday 21 June onwards, weather conditions should help disperse and decrease concentrations of fine particles in the air.

Due to weather conditions that prevent the pollution from being dispersed, the Government issues the following recommendations:

Health recommendations:

For vulnerable and susceptible populations (pregnant women, babies, young children, people over 65, people suffering from cardiovascular disease, heart failure or breathing difficulties, people with asthma, people who are sensitive to pollution and whose symptoms appear or become worse when pollution levels spike):

• Limit physical activity and high-impact sporting activities outside (indoor activities can be maintained);
• Don't go out during the hottest hours of the day;
• Stick to short trips that involve minimal effort;
• If you experience respiratory or cardiac difficulties (shortness of breath, wheezing, palpitations, etc.), seek advice from a pharmacist or consult your doctor.

Recommendations for road users:

• Try to use non-polluting methods of transport for short journeys wherever possible;
• For private and business trips, reduce car use by taking public transport or opting for car sharing;
• Avoid travelling on main roads and in surrounding areas during peak times.

Additional information:
Air quality in the Principality is monitored by an automated network of five monitoring stations: Rue Grimaldi, Boulevard Charles III, Place des Moulins, Fontvieille and Quai Antoine I. Air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust and ozone are measured on a continuous basis and data is processed daily by the Department of the Environment.

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