Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Kingdom of Spain

Representation of the Kingdom of Spain in the Principality of Monaco

Embassy of Monaco in Spain

Ambassador: H.E. Ms. Catherine FAUTRIER

Knight of Order of Saint-Charles

Officer of Order of la Pléiade – Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie

Calle Villanueva, 12

28001 Madrid
Phone: (+34) 91 578 20 48

Fax: (+34) 91 837 10 67

Website: embassy-to-spain.gouv.mc

Email: embajador.espana@diplomatie.gouv.mc


Consulates of Monaco in Spain


(Catalonia and Aragon)

Honorary General Consul: Mr. Francisco GRANERO JIMENEZ

Knight of Order of Saint-Charles


C/ García Faria, 77,8º-1ª
08019 Barcelone

Phone: 34 672 666 402

Email: consulmonacobcn@gmail.com




(Basque Country, Principality of Asturias, Galicia, Navarro and Cantabria)





(Urban Community of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Rioja)

Honorary Consul: Mr Philippe GUILLAUMET

Avda. de los Madronos 21, 4-B

28043 Madrid

Phone: (+34) 913 002 406

Email: philippeguillaumet@gmail.com



(Andalusia and Extremadura)



Palma de Mallorca 


Honorary Consul: Mrs Laura CALVO BORREGO

Calle de Sant Miquel, 30

5ª Planta A - 07002

Palma - Iles Baléares

Phone : +34 871952075

Email : consulado.monaco.ib@outlook.es


Honorary Vice-Consul: Mr Christian NIETO DE GEA

Chancery in Ibiza: Antigua Carretera de Sta Eularia Km2

07819 Jesus


Postal adress: M. Christian NIETO DE GEA c/o César Mendez

Calle sequía de Mallorquín, 9

esc 1.2 c - Santa Eularia del Rio
07840 Ibiza

Phone: (+34) 621 542 706

Mobile: 00 33 7 88 80 23 97

Email: vconsulatdemonaco@gmail.com

Santa Cruz de Tenerife 

(Canary Islands)





(Valencia and Murcia)

Honorary Consul: Ms Francisca JULIA-IBORRA

Knight of Order of Saint-Charles

1, avenida Maria-Cristina
Valence 46001

Phone: (+34) 96 351 47 95

or (+34) 96 352 09 56
Fax: (+34) 96 351 91 16

Email: consulmonacoval@gmail.com

Embassy of Spain in Monaco


Ambassador: H.E. Mr Victorio REDONDO BALDRICH

22, avenue Marceau

75008 Paris cedex 8

Phone: (+33) 1 44 43 18 00

or (+33) 1 47 23 59 55

Email: emb.paris@maec.es

Website: www.exteriores.gob.es/Embajadas/Paris

General Consulate of Spain in Monaco

General Consul: Mr. Bernardo DE SICART ESCODA

38, rue Edouard-Delanglade
13006 Marseille
Phone: (+33) 4 91 00 32 70

Fax: (+33) 4 91 37 91 64







Consulate of Spain in Monaco

Honorary Consul: M. Michel BOERI
G. O. of the Order of Saint-Charles

Knight of Order of Grimaldi
G.O. of National Order of Legion of Honour

Knight of French National Order of Merit

20, boulevard des Moulins
98000 Monaco

Phone: (+377) 93 30 24 98

Email: mlamongiemc@gmail.com
