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- The Crown Council
The Crown Council
The Crown Council is a purely consultative body.
It has no decision-making powers and its opinions are not binding upon the Sovereign Authority in any way. The Prince may consult this Assembly on a mandatory or optional basis.
It must be consulted by the Prince regarding a limited number of issues listed by the Constitution and falling under His constitutional duties - the signature and ratification of treaties, the dissolution of the National Council, the exercice of the right to grant pardon and amnesty, and applications for naturalisation and recovery of Monegasque nationality.
In addition, the Prince may consult the Council, if He sees fit, concerning issues affecting the interests of the State.
Lastly, the Crown Council may present its own suggestions to the Prince.
Organisation and operation
The Crown Council has seven members, of Monegasque nationality, appointed by the Prince for a period of three years.
The Chairman and three other members are directly designated by the Prince. The three remaining members are appointed by the Prince following suggestions made by the National Council but outside the official scope of that Assembly.
It meets at least twice a year when called to meet by the Prince.
The Prince may also call a meeting of the Crown Council at any time he considers it necessary.
Current members of the Crown Council are as follows:
Mr Michel BOERI
Mr Michel BOERI
Ms Marie-Pierre GRAMAGLIA
Ms Patricia HUSSON
Mr Jean-Michel CUCCHI
Mr Guillaume PASTOR
Founding legislation
Ordinance no. 2686 of 17 November 1942 instituting a Crown Council