Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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04 January 2023 Press release

Principality supports CITES COP19


The Principality of Monaco participated in the 19th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES COP19), held in Panama from 14 to 25 November 2022.

The Convention, which has been in force since 1975, seeks to ensure that international trade does not lead to the extinction of plant or animal species, or threaten their survival.

Astrid Claudel Rusin, from the Department of the Environment, represented the Principality of Monaco at COP19, also known as the COP of the Americas and considered to be historic in more than one sense, as it was the first meeting to take place in the region in 20 years, and was held on an enormous scale:

o Representatives from more than 160 governments who are Parties to the Convention
o More than 2,500 delegates, observers, representatives of organisations and journalists
o 52 proposed amendments to the Appendices, 46 of which were approved
o 365 decisions adopted
o More than 500 species covered

Thanks to this Conference, numerous animals considered as “pets” will benefit from a ban on trade (Appendix I), including the straw-headed bulbul, a species of songbird, or from regulations on trade (Appendix II), including the horned lizard. These new listings will help to combat the trafficking of endangered species by requiring permits for any trade involving them.

The Principality of Monaco gave its support or voted in favour of the listing of numerous species, including glass frogs, tree frogs, sea cucumbers, trumpet trees and Afzelia trees.

A longstanding advocate for the protection of sharks, 100 million of which are killed every year, Monaco supported the inclusion in Appendix II of requiem sharks and hammerhead sharks, primarily sought after for their fins, as well as freshwater stingrays and guitarfish, international trade in which is now controlled.

Finally, Monaco chaired an event on protecting seahorses and supported the adoption of decisions urging, first, the CITES Secretariat to work with the Parties and with experts to prepare a report on the illegal trade in seahorses and, second, the Parties to effectively implement the listing of seahorses in Appendix II.

The Department of the Environment is the CITES Scientific Authority and Management Authority for the Principality of Monaco.
How to request a CITES permit / CITES formalities / One-off authorisations / Currently active / Public Service for Businesses – Monaco (gouv.mc)

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