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Covid-19 : 6 nouveaux cas positifs et 3 guérisons ce mardi 21 septembre

21 September 2021 Press release

Six new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Tuesday 21 September.This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,297 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, five patients are being treated at the CHPG: four people, three of whom a...

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Covid-19 : One New Positive Case and Three Recoveries on Monday 20 September

20 September 2021 Press release

One new positive case of COVID-19 was identified on Monday 20 September.This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,291people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, seven people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: six people, five o...

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journée des Patients - ©DR

World Patient Safety Day

17 September 2021 Press release

17 September 2021 is the third World Patient Safety Day. This event, created by the WHO in 2019 and celebrated throughout the world, aims to promote healthcare safety through joint action by Member States and global solidarity.The Principality is naturally associated with this Day. Patient safety is an important iss...

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COVID-19: Five New Positive Cases and Ten Recoveries on Monday 13 September

13 September 2021 Press release

Five new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Monday 13 September.This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,281 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.This evening, eight patients are being treated at the CHPG: five people, four of whom a...

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Manifestation anti Pass - ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

Communication from the Prince's Government on the Anti-Pass Demonstration of Saturday 11 September

11 September 2021 Social Affairs and Health News flash

According to a count carried out by the Police Department, between 450 and 500 people, 15% of whom were children, took part in the demonstration initiated this Saturday by those responsible for the Facebook group "Manifestation pacifique contre le pass sanitaire à Monaco" ("Peaceful Demonstration agai...

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