Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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21 December 2022 News flash

Monaco champions significant progress in protecting the Mediterranean at International Maritime Organization


 The Principality of Monaco participated in the 79th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), held in London from 12 to 16 December 2022.

The Monegasque delegation was led by Isabelle Rosabrunetto, the Principality’s Permanent Representative to the IMO, who was accompanied by Armelle Roudaut-Lafon, Director of Maritime Affairs.

While the MEPC’s primary concern was, once again, given the climate challenges we face, focused on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by maritime transport and on the IMO’s strategy for a zero-carbon maritime transport industry by 2030, several other major points, including issues raised by Monaco, emerged from the meeting.

The Principality reiterated Monaco’s solidarity with the Ukrainian people, joining, in particular, the voice of France, on behalf of the member states of the European Union, in highlighting the impact of the military conflict on international maritime transport, the maritime environment and the safety of mariners.

Furthermore, during this session the IMO adopted a proposal to create a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) to protect cetaceans in the Mediterranean. This important cetacean protection project was led by Monaco, Italy, France and Spain. The four countries behind the project will need to maintain their commitment and put forward technical measures that will make this area effective in reducing collisions between cetaceans and ships, thereby strengthening environmental protection and improving maritime safety.

Finally, as part of efforts to reduce atmospheric pollution, the IMO legally confirmed that the Mediterranean will be designated as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides from 1 May 2025.

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