Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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11 February 2022 Press release

Covid-19 : changes to health measures introduced

Given the positive and rapid changes in the health situation that have been consistently observed in the last seven days, the Sovereign Prince has decided to relax the measures put in place over recent weeks. This decision has been made following various consultations undertaken by the Prince’s Government in the last few days, including discussions with the National Council at the Joint Monitoring Committee meeting on Friday 11 February.

Health situation improving

Several indicators show that while the virus continues to spread actively, the impact on the number of infections and the number of patients requiring hospital treatment is increasingly limited. The incidence rate, which reached unprecedented highs in mid-January, has fallen below 1,000 and was 831 on 10 February.

While the figures remain elevated, we are nonetheless seeing a significant and rapid decline, which is progressing as quickly as the rise at the beginning of the Omicron wave.

Consequently, the Government is able to relax the measures in place, in a cautious and controlled way, with the aim of ensuring maximum safety from a health perspective, while maintaining a dynamic economy.

These changes will take effect from tomorrow, Saturday 12 February.

Masks no longer required to be worn outdoors

Masks will, however, still be mandatory in busy locations and at certain times (on Place du Palais during the Changing of the Guard at 11.55 am, at markets during opening hours, on the Fontvieille Shopping Centre forecourt during the day, at the railway station exits during rush hours and at bus stops).

In schools:

A relaxation of the protocol for managing contacts of positive cases is currently being considered, with the aim of simplifying the process used and reducing the length of time pupils are required to be absent from school without jeopardising safety.

This new protocol is set to be finalised by the beginning of next week and will be operational following the return from the winter holiday.

In addition, the testing campaign (self-tests) will be re-run on 21 February when schools go back after the winter holiday.

School swimming lessons will also be allowed to resume after the holiday.

In addition, air purifier trials will begin in various schools as soon as possible.

Home working to remain in place for three days per week where possible

This measure applies in both the public and private sectors, with the employee’s agreement, until 4 March inclusive.

It is also vital to continue to scrupulously comply with barrier measures in order to limit the risks of infection as far as possible. Colleagues are still prohibited from sharing work breaks unless masked.

Capacity limits of 2,000 people for public events will be removed, provided that appropriate health protocols are in place.

In restaurants, the number of guests allowed per table will go back up to 12, and the distance between tables is being reduced to 1 metre.

Clients will no longer have to show a health pass for access to hairdressing salons, or beauty or tattoo parlours.

Economic support measures will be extended until the end of March.

The Prince’s Government is aware that some businesses have experienced a slowing of their activities due to the latest wave, and is therefore extending, until the end of March, the business support measures that were reactivated in late January.


  • CTTR: The strengthened provisions for total temporary layoff (CTTR) may be activated in the event of a 30% decline in revenue compared with the same period in 2019, in target sectors of the economy.
  • EMPLOYERS’ CONTRIBUTIONS: The partial exemption from employers’ contributions is being revived for businesses with revenue of less than €5 million which have seen a decline of at least 20% in January 2022 compared with the same period in 2020. The requirement not to lay off any staff for one year, except in cases of gross misconduct or unfitness, remains in place.
  • CARE: The COVID-19 Businesses Unit has contacted companies which received assistance from the Economic Recovery Support Commission (CARE) in 2021.

Don’t let down your guard

While the health situation is showing an encouraging trend, it still requires everyone to be attentive and take action. The health authorities stress that all of us must remain vigilant in complying with barrier measures, particularly when enjoying time with other people.

The Government would like to reiterate that vaccination is free and available to all residents aged 12 years and over (or 5 years and over in the case of the most vulnerable). It will also soon be available to all children aged between 5 and 11 years whose parents wish them to be vaccinated.

Vaccination is key to considerably reducing the risks of infection and the risks of developing serious forms of the disease. For practical information about vaccination, please call +377 92 05 55 00 or see https://vaccination-covid19.gouv.mc .

In addition, the Prince’s Government is in a position to administer doses of the Novavax vaccine as soon as distribution commences in France.

Finally, the Government would like to clarify that, given the favourable trend that now appears to be solidifying, and as a result of the positive development in the figures, it expects – in consultation with the National Council – to be able to further relax health measures, particularly in schools.

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