Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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04 July 2022 Press release

Covid-19: as infections rise, the Prince’s Government calls for renewed vigilance

Although the rise in infections is more limited in Monaco than in neighbouring regions, the figures show that the Covid-19 epidemic is resurgent.

In the Principality, the incidence rate (i.e. the number of positive tests per 100,000 people over the past seven days) was 748 on 3 July 2022, compared with 148 a month ago.
With the summer holidays approaching, more people will be travelling and interacting socially. The Prince’s Government is keen to remind the public of the measures to be followed in order to protect yourself and others, particularly as the variants of the Covid-19 virus currently circulating are highly contagious.


The health authorities strongly encourage people aged 60 and over and those at high risk of developing a serious form of the illness, to get a booster vaccination (4th dose). Vaccination is voluntary and completely free of charge. Simply make an appointment with the National Vaccination Centre by calling 92 05 55 00.
The Government has made two types of vaccine available: one mRNA vaccine (Pfizer) and one vaccine that does not contain messenger RNA (Novavax).

Mask wearing

In addition to vaccination, it is strongly advised to wear a mask in busy places and on public transport. This is particularly important for people at higher risk. Similarly, if you are displaying symptoms or have been in contact with positive persons, it is vital to get tested and to self-isolate in order to break the chain of contamination.

Barrier measures

Finally, it is essential to avoid situations where there is a risk and to observe a few simple barrier measures:

· wash your hands regularly or disinfect them with hydro-alcoholic hand sanitiser,
· avoid touching your face,
· greet people without handshakes or hugs,
· cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or a disposable handkerchief,
· blow your nose into a disposable handkerchief,
· air rooms as often as possible.

These simple measures can be very effective at limiting the spread of the virus and protecting the most vulnerable.
For more information about Covid-19 and the health situation, visit www.covid19.mc

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