Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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25 February 2022 Press release

COVID-19: relaxation of health measures

With the positive developments in the health situation having been confirmed in recent days, including a 30% reduction in the incidence rate compared with the previous week and a significant drop in admissions to hospital, at the suggestion of His Government and following consultations with health professionals and the National Council, H.S.H. Prince Albert II has decided to relax some of the protective measures that are currently in place. The positivity rate in the Principality remains at around 10%, however, and so continued attention is still required.
• From Monday 28 February:
- Removal of requirement to wear masks in school during breaks and when exercising indoors.
- The requirement to show a health pass in order to undertake work that is critical to the continuity of operations of a company or public body providing essential services to the population is being dropped.
- It will now be possible to consume food and drink outside specially dedicated eating areas, for example at the cinema or in the stadium.
- Stand-up cocktail receptions may now resume, and it will once again be possible to consume food and drink at a bar or at standing tables; cloakroom services are also now permitted.
- Coffee breaks and other informal events between work colleagues are now possible.
- Combat and contact sports may resume.
However, barrier measures must still be applied in all companies and public services, and premises which are open to the public still require a health pass to be shown for the time being.
• From Saturday 5 March:
- There will no longer be a requirement to work from home three days a week. This is still the recommendation, however.
• From Monday 7 March:
- Removal of the requirement to wear a mask while exercising indoors.
The Prince’s Government continues to monitor the health situation on a constant basis and change the measures in place accordingly. It is working on possible ways to relax the measures which could be implemented soon depending on the health indicators. Further consultations will be held over the coming days.

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