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05 July 2017 Press release

Bachelor in Business Administration, Monaco Banking & Financial Services option: highly satisfactory results achieved by 1st intake

copyright - Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

The results are in for the first intake of the Bachelor in Business Administration, Monaco Banking and Financial Services option, introduced in a new format in September 2016, and 12 of the 14 students have passed. This is a particularly satisfactory outcome, encouraging partners to repeat the programme starting in September 2017. For the next intake, 13 candidates (from 20 or so applications) have already been selected. 

Mr Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, hailed the success of the graduates yesterday evening. He was keen to draw the year to a close alongside the various stakeholders involved in the training: the Department of Employment, representatives from the Monaco Association for Financial Activities (AMAF), numerous professionals, and Jean-Philippe Muller, General Director of the International University of Monaco (IUM), which supervises the educational portion of the programme. 

This Bachelor’s degree is the only professional banking qualification which is specific to the Principality. It is equivalent to a three-year undergraduate degree, and is delivered as a sandwich programme over one year. With part of the educational content having been developed by professionals, this “new look” qualification is a response to the demands of the banking sector in Monaco and the issues it is facing. It reflects a practical employment market need and is primarily aimed at Monegasque nationals, residents of the Principality and young people living in neighbouring communes. 

The young graduates are ready to begin work as soon as they complete the course. They have been hosted by ten or so banks for three days a week throughout the year. The quality of the teaching provided by the IUM and the effectiveness of the relationship between the public and private sectors underpin the value of this new option. 

The training is the result of a partnership established in 2007 between the Department of Employment – with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs via the Youth Employment Unit – the AMAF and the IUM. 

Further reporting will follow soon on Monaco Info and Monaco Channel.


Youth Employment Unit

2 rue Princesse Antoinette - Tel.: +377 98 98 41 78

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