Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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13 January 2017 Press release

Authorisation for unaccompanied minors to leave the country

© DR

In light of the reintroduction in France, from 15 January 2017, of parental authorisation for unaccompanied minors to leave the country, and to ensure that minors resident in the Principality are able to travel without problems, it has become necessary to require a similar procedure in the Principality. 

Thus, all minors resident in Monaco who need to leave the Principality as part of a journey abroad must hold this authorisation. 

Authorisation to leave the country in order to travel abroad consists of a form available on the Government portal via the following link:




To cross borders, your child must carry the original of this form, completed and signed by a person with parental authority. The child must also have with them: 

-        For Monegasque nationals or residents who are nationals of countries outside the European Economic Area – their passport; For residents who are nationals of countries within the European Economic Area – their passport or national identity card; 

-        A photocopy of the identity document of the person who has signed their form. 

The child must be able to present these documents at the request of border control officials.


This form is the only document which is valid for minors resident in the Principality. 

Naturally, this authorisation is only issued for the purposes of a journey abroad; it will not be required for routine, everyday travel, for example. 

NB: This authorisation is distinct from the parental permission which may be required by some airlines to demonstrate that the child is allowed to take a flight.

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