Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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25 April 2017 Press release

25 April: World Malaria Day, a flagship programme for Monaco’s Official Development Assistance

According to the World Health Organisation, one child still dies of malaria every two minutes, primarily in Africa. In view of this fact, the Prince’s Government, through the Department of International Cooperation, is involved in the fight against the pandemic, supporting research, prevention efforts and treatment for those suffering from the disease.


Monaco’s Official Development Assistance supports the World Health Organisation (WHO) in its work to eliminate malaria in eight countries of Southern and Eastern Africa. Assistance is also provided for the operations of the WHO’s National Centre for Malaria Control in Madagascar, built thanks to funding from Monaco.

In terms of research, the Department of International Cooperation supports Medicines for Malaria Venture, a foundation which is seeking to develop a new anti-malaria drug particularly suited to children. Monaco’s Official Development Assistance is also funding a study led by the Sapienza University of Rome to improve the epidemiological surveillance system for malaria in Burkina Faso.

It is worth recalling that while prevention and control measures resulted in a reduction in malaria mortality rates of more than 29% globally between 2010 and 2015, there are sadly still nearly 430,000 deaths each year, including those of more than 300,000 children under five.

* Botswana, Comoros, Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Zanzibar and Zimbabwe.

For more information, see: http://www.who.int/campaigns/malaria-day/2017/event/en/




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