The Logo of the Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee is Unveiled
H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince has just unveiled the logo of the Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee, at the Yacht Club of Monaco. This logo, which can be used for events initiated by the Committee or its partners, was designed to be simple and to cover all aspects of the pioneering work of Prince Albert I. In a coherent manner, it brings together humanism, peace, patronage, political, economic and social action in the Principality, palaeontology, geography and, of course, oceanography and concern for the environment.
The Prince Albert I Commemoration Committee was established by Sovereign Ordinance 7.253 of 14 December 2018. The Committee is responsible for considering and organising events held to celebrate the life and work of Prince Albert I, from 2019, the centenary year of the founding of the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, to 2022, the centenary year of his death.
Note that an Executive Committee, coordinated by its President, H.E. Mr. Robert Fillon, and its Secretary, Stéphane Lamotte, was established on 29 January 2019, at the same time as the Commemoration Committee. Its role is to oversee the implementation of the programme and the organisation of cultural and memorial events. Various types of players are involved in this respect to carry out projects of all kinds, which are aimed at a wide range of audiences.
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