Department of Cultural Affairs presents summer season 2019
Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, Jean-Charles Curau, Director of Cultural Affairs, and Jo Bulitt, Season Programme Director for the Fort Antoine Theatre, presented the Department of Cultural Affairs’ summer programme on Thursday 13 June.
The season will open at 9.30 pm on Tuesday 2 July with Jean-Claude Carrière’s La conférence des oiseaux (The Conference of the Birds), performed by Compagnie des Lumières et des Ombres as part of the 49th Fort Antoine Theatre season. This will be followed by six other plays, performed on Tuesday evenings between 2 July and 6 August, and on Thursday 1 August. Booking, via the Tourist and Convention Authority, is recommended and will open on Monday 17 June. For more information, see:
A second highlight will be the 14th International Organ Festival, which will this year be following a new formula with ten concerts over the course of two long four-day weekends between 4 and 14 July. The festival will offer an opportunity to discover both the Principality’s collection of organs and a wide range of artistic performances featuring the instrument. Entry is free.
For more information, see:
Thursday’s press conference also included a presentation of the SURREALLINES photography exhibition, which will be held from 25 July to 22 August at the Salle du Quai Antoine I. This exhibition on the theme of surrealist influences in contemporary photography aims to consider the influence of surrealism on photography today. Entry is free.
Patrice Cellario emphasised that “the Department of Cultural Affairs is not just another Government department, but a genuine driver of the Principality’s cultural policy.”
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