4th Monaco Artists’ Forum
From 8 to 17 June 2018, the Department of Cultural Affairs is organising the fourth Monaco Artists’ Forum at the Rainier III Auditorium. The Forum is an exhibition featuring artists who are Monegasque nationals or who have been resident in the Principality for more than five years. It will be open to the public, free of charge, every day between 2 pm and 7 pm.
Artists wishing to take part in the exhibition can obtain a registration pack from the Department of Cultural Affairs at 4 Boulevard des Moulins, or download one from http://en.service-public-particuliers.gouv.mc/ Free-time/Culture/Artistic-activity/Taking-Part-in-the-Artists-Forum
The registration pack should be returned by post before 23 March 2018.
Department of Cultural Affairs –
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber