World Theatre Day Thursday 21 April 2016 – 8 p.m. – Théâtre Princesse Grace
The Monegasque National Commission for UNESCO and the Théâtre Princesse Grace are joining celebrations of World Theatre Day.
For the occasion, seven of the Principality’s theatre companies will get together at the Théâtre Princesse Grace on Thursday 21 April 2016 for an evening devoted to the performing arts and the promotion of dialogue and peace between peoples.
Started in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), World Theatre Day is celebrated by the theatrical community every year, with lots of national and international events.
L’Anthéâtre La Compagnie Ce Qui Reste
Les Cent pas (The Hundred Steps) Extract from Le Colonel des Zouaves (The Colonel of the Zouaves)
by Jean-Michel Ribes by Olivier Cadiot
Directed by Anthéa Sogno Directed by Adrien Cellario
La Compagnie Florestan Les Farfadets
Mots à vendre (Words to Sell) Femme(s) (Woma(e)n)
Collaborative work Collaborative work
Directed by Danielle Daumerie Directed by Sophie Cossu and Nicolas Boisdenghien
Monaco Art et Scène Compagnie Monaco Nouvelle Scène
L’après-dîner (After Dinner) Extract from Hassan fait son show (Hassan Puts on a Show)
by Sylvie Joly by Peggy Semeria and Hassan Moukfi
Les punaises (Bugs) Directed by Peggy Semeria
by Génia Carlevaris
Directed by Génia Carlevaris
Studio de Monaco
Confession d’une religieuse (Confession of a Nun)
by Christophe Glockner and Ariane Zantain
La recette des glaçons à l’eau (Recipe for Ice Cubes)
by Pascal Martin
Directed by Eric Fardeau
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber