“Childhood and Violence” by Boris Cyrulnik
On Wednesday 14 February, Boris Cyrulnik gave a talk on “Childhood and Violence” at the Théâtre Princesse Grace as part of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco series.
Following an introduction by Charlotte Casiraghi, the neuropsychiatrist discussed the evolution of violence through history and the dangers of emotional neglect and the various types of aggression – verbal, psychological and physical – that can damage a child’s brain and degrade his or her relationship with the world.
Reminding the audience that the repercussions of violence can be detected in utero, Boris Cyrulnik, drawing on the concept of a “sensory niche”, emphasised the need for a secure attachment to be developed with a child as early as possible. This helps to instil solid and durable self-confidence and self-esteem.
Before a highly engaged audience with which he frequently interacted, Boris Cyrulnik concluded his presentation by extending the theme of the talk to discuss the clear links between violence and loss of cultural identity, violence and eroticism, and violence and authority.
The funds raised during the evening will be donated in their entirety to the Monegasque charity Jeune J’écoute.
You can find further reporting from the event on the Monaco Info Facebook page. Charlotte Casiraghi and Boris Cyrulnik will also feature in an episode of Rencontre on Wednesday 21 February after the 7 pm news programme.
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