17th Monaco World Theatre Event - 17 to 22 August 2021
The organisers* of the Monaco World Theatre event, which takes place every four years, have just announced the programme for the 17th World Amateur Theatre Festival, organised by the Studio de Monaco with the support of the Monegasque authorities. From 17 to 22 August, 190 or so actors, representing fifteen troupes selected according to their country of origin, will perform for two consecutive days at the Princess Grace Theatre and the Variety Theatre.
The shows come from all over the world, with troupes from Argentina, Belgium, Cuba (to be confirmed), Spain, the United States, Finland, France, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Morocco, Portugal, the Central African Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia.
In parallel, every morning, there will be a colloquium, bringing together festival-goers and the three companies that presented their shows the previous evening, with the aim of discussing the way in which the groups work and how amateur theatre operates in their countries. Two workshops will also be held in the afternoon for participants, on the themes of "Why the Mask?" and "All Together! Creating a Modern Choir in a Classical Play."
Finally, on the occasion of this event, the 37th Congress of the AITA/IATA (International Amateur Theatre Association) will be host to approximately 60 participants.
The General Commissioner of the event, Mr. Patrice Cellario, was keen to emphasise that "the purpose of the event is to connect and bring together all theatre lovers, based on their shared passion." He also paid tribute to the many volunteers, without whom the Monaco World Theatre event could not take place.
* Organised this year by Mr. Patrice Cellario (General Commissioner), Ms. Nadia Barcoli, Mr. Jean-Charles Curau and Mr. José Badia (Deputy General Commissioners), Mr. Claude Plasseraud (General Treasurer), Ms. Béatrice Cellario (General Secretary and President of Le Studio de Monaco), Mr. Pierre Cellario (Deputy General Secretary) and Mr. Thomas Drocourt (Administrative Secretary).
For the programme and other useful information, see www.mondialdutheatre.com
Admission free, booking required:
Website: www.mondialdutheatre.com
Tel: +377 93 25 12 12
By e-mail: mondialdutheatre@monte-carlo.mc
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